Our first fellowship class has graduated!

This weekend, we came together to celebrate Ready to Launch’s inaugural fellowship cohort graduating from our program!

As the capstone to their fellowship, each of our participants put their public speaking skills to use and shared in their own words more about their experience with our program and what their future holds.

We were honored to be joined by LA County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, who shared her advice with our first class of Ready to Launch graduates! We extend our deepest thanks to Supervisor Mitchell for her unwavering commitment to championing women and girls and for her vision and leadership in supporting a government staff pipeline that is equitable and inclusive.

The future is so bright for our graduating fellows! We’re so proud of these seven incredible women and can’t wait to see where their paths lead and how they will continue to grow their careers in government and politics.

Thank you to all of our supporters, donors, partners, and volunteers who have helped us power our inaugural fellowship program. We can’t wait to expand our work next year and beyond!