Our fall fellowship application is now open! 🚀
May 14, 2021
We’re excited to announce our fall fellowship application is now open!
This is a huge milestone for us to launch our inaugural class — and we’re thrilled to share it with you.
Telling our stories
April 26, 2021
As we work to expand opportunities for progressive women to launch careers in politics, it’s so important that we center authentic storytelling at the heart of our work.
We're on Instagram
April 08, 2021
We have launched our official Instagram account! Follow us on Instagram to help us grow our community as we work to diversify the ranks of women staffers and campaigners in politics, and move the needle on progressive change.
Why we need to build the pipeline
March 09, 2021
These stories are too common: A young woman wants to get experience working on a political campaign or for an elected official — but has trouble navigating the exclusive political world without connections. She can’t find job listings easily online, and she can’t afford to gain experience through unpaid internship opportunities.
We are Ready to Launch!
March 07, 2021
We are so excited to announce Ready to Launch — a new organization committed to growing and diversifying the entry-level pipeline in politics and public service for progressive, self-identifying women.